Monday, June 18, 2012

Stuff my dad (probably unknowingly) taught me

1. How you look, how you speak, what you eat or where, they all don't matter. What matters is if you have a good heart. 
2. Buying a car in Singapore is expensive and a waste of money. 
3. Live with a view to expand your horizon. (Or: Don't be a frog in a well.)
4. Daddy's rubber band skillz are second to nobody's, and nobody will kill a lizard for you with one like he will. 
5. Quick tempers need to be reeled in. You'll feel stupid for lashing out after. 
6. Even if you're not one to say "I love you", you can show love with money and a post-it explaining the cash, and your not-very-chinese daughter will understand. 
7. Hard work is everything. 
8. You can likely solve your own problems without needing to enlist help from anyone.
9. Let your children make their own decisions, and their own mistakes. 
10. Money doesn't grow on trees, so if you have debts, pay them. 
11. Pray. 

My dad's great. I've seen him transform from a scary, not-to-be-messed-with patriarch into a (sometimes) warm and sweet person. He's always been faithful to my mother and lived with the sole purpose to make sure we were provided for, and that we turned out okay. We turned out okay. He doesn't have much money to give out, but he's generous in his actions (see: number 4) and y'know what? That's worth more than anything in my books. 

Happy Father's Day Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. I don't know how on earth we manage to understand your strange English or your intentions when you hardly say anything. But I'm glad we do. Please don't stop killing lizards or fixing my aircon/toilet/lightswitch/shoes for me. 


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