i don't know if it was the walking down the aisle, the beautifully decorated church, the bride giving her dad a big hug and a kiss when he gave her away or the way the couple looked lovingly in each other's eyes while saying their vows and exchanging their rings, but it made me cry.
and i'm not even personal friends with the newly weds.
of course, it could also be the specially-designed Vera Wang dress (!!!), the US five-million dollar earrings (!!!!) or the car that the bride came in (don't even ask).
whatever it was, it was a gorgeous wedding between a very cute, very simple, very down-to-earth couple in love (who i think would've done without the designer dress or the ROB-ME earrings if it were up to them). the rest of the pomp and glamour came from the relatives, some of whom arrived at the daytime wedding mass in full-skirted gowns and jewels bling enough to blind. ish.
highlights of the wedding:
1) THE headpiece - featuring black feathers and butterflies, i kid you not.
2) THE baby pink, tight-fitting frilly dress (and an equally tight face to match)
3) THE pearl necklace, a piece as thick as four fingers
4) one of the groom's men's accidental cursing of the couple's love
5) the very unfortunate bridesmaid that very unfortunately fell on her face when coming down from the pulpit after the first reading. i don't know which was worse: her falling, or the congregation's loud "ooooh" and subsequent embarrassed hush.
the mother and i, in between gawking at the outfits-of-the-rich-and-famous, polished off a pack of tissues. i don't know WHAT i'd do if any of my friends got married. bah.