why. why do people INSIST on repeating exactly what i've just said?! WHY!?
me: (super absent minded because i'm IN THE MIDDLE OF A STORY and have to pick up the damn phone) [company name] goodmorning.
caller: [MY company name] goodmorning ah. can i talk to jane*?
me: sorry, jane is in a meeting. may i take a message?
caller: (sloooowly) ohhhh, janeeee is in a meetinggggg. can you take a message...? (this is not a question, it is a repetition of what i just said, in the exact same tone.)
me: *slaps forehead* ya. or can i get her to call you back?
caller: caaaaallll me baaaack ahhhh... orrrr... is annaaaa around?
me: no sorry, anna is also in a meeting.
caller: ohhhhhh.... annaaaaa is alsoooo in a meeeeeting ahhhhh....
me: y'know what? whydontyoucallbackinanhourokbye.*click*
wassup with that?! i mean, if you can repeat it, means you heard it, yes? and if you heard it, then why. re. peat. it. why. WHYWHYWHY! and wassup with the speaking slowly? i understand if we are discussing some giant philosophical question and we're thinking while speaking but HELLO THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. and this is what gets me the most: why for the love of sugarcane with sour plum are you repeating the name of MY company name when you answer the phone? i know i'm from this company, but you're not, so...
i know this is damn ahlian but this post NEEDS this face: o_O
and yes i know good writing does not use exclamation marks, or caps or whatever to make a point but at this moment, i'm too cheeeeeeeeeesed off to be bothered about that.
*all names are fake. duh.