so i went to spinelli's to grab some lunch with this PR girl after the interview on Monday morning. everything was fine, she was only slightly older than i, and conversation was flowing pretty easily. that is, until she said this:
PR: oh, i just visited this new club on Perak st
me: yea? how was it?
PR: it was okay, but the great thing about it is its name (pauses for suspense)
me: (plays along) ooh, what was its name??
PR: BAR BAR BLACK CHIC! So clever right!!!
me: *recovers from wtf-you-gotta-be-shitting-me face* ohmy. oh. haha. yes, quite clever. *turns to face spinelli's barista, who was trying not to giggle herself*
i decided to make up some lame excuse and tapau the food back instead.
in other news, i'll be headed to Beijing on Monday for another rush job coverstory. any place i have to see/shop?