Wednesday, May 31, 2006

my day off

i finally went on a day off, as instructed by my quite-fierce HR "you better clear your polling day leave by this month ah! if not... FORFEIT!"

yep. so off i went, a day before the forfeit set in, too.

mummy and i scooted over to JB for the day to get our hair done. ambitious we were, wanting to hit both city square and the recently-opened Jusco in one afternoon. in the end, we only managed to glance through city square because our hair took so long.

but thats alright, it was a good mother-daughter bonding day for us (plus, hair colour+treatment was super cheap). it was a pity we didn't manage to sample the cheap-and-good roadside stalls for lunch nor dinner, since we were in sucha rush.

2 dye jobs, 2 treatments, 1 haircut (mum), 1 not-so-cheap pair of pinstriped pants (me), 2 tank tops (of which, one is pink, shock horror) and 1 bag(mum) later, we were only S$160 poorer.

not bad wut. :D