Friday, May 26, 2006


just sent the last of my stories to the editor, and i am officially deadline-FREE! (for the next week, at least :P)

had quite a terrible time trying to meet all the deadlines when i kept getting sent out on assignments. even had to cancel a little chi-chi lunch with the Bestfriend yesterday (okay la, sorry la, next drink on me okay?) because "something has gone horribly wrong with [my] story!". when it rains, it pours.

the important thing is that its all over now - and just in time to really relax and unwind at Gallery tonite, where there'd be a party for long-time-no-see charoenchai, escapee from Singapore and go-er to better lands. *waves to bottle of absolut citron hidden in overly large bag*

hey, i'm not that alcoholic, ookay. need i remind you of a certain Queeen who rushed to lick up a drop of alcohol on her arm, not letting it go to waste? or that same Queeen who last night got impatient while crossing the road to the pub saying in exasperation: "i just want alcohol!!!"


well, the alcohol was a disappointment in the end - with her mojito tasting like lime juice and my cosmo like flavoured water - but the company was great. catching up with chareonchai and discussing a woman's seemingly compulsive need to be in control of everything was a good few hours well spent.

of course what was great too, was the surprise drop-in by BengBoyfriend, who was attending a function nearby. we kept missing each other during the week because of work (such workaholics, we are) so the visit, all two minutes of it, was a nice gesture worthy of a little mention.

say it with me now: awwww.