this cny for some reason or other the family didn't go to visit that side of the family. yes, i know that was what i wished for this year (and every year), but somehow, it just made me sadder.
i don't know. maybe its because nobody went, and my grandfather was alone this cny. which is worse.
people, get this into your heads. old people get grouchy. they just do. the older they grow, the grouchier they get. its not their fault, its just the way things are. its like you. the older you get, the fatter you become. its not really your fault, its your metabolism slowing down. just happens. so when your dad or mom who, pushing 90, get grouchy at you because you're a useless non-existent son which you are, don't just frickin up and leave them. thats just not nice, and, as you know, karma karma karma.
on the other hand, a good example of someone growing old with a truckload of charm is my dear ol' uncle matt, who suffered a stroke pretty young and is facing possible amputation of his leg but is still as quick witted and a ball of laughter at nearly 80.
(by the way, the stroke was caused by smoking, and the doc said they have to amputate because he's STILL smoking. i just had to slip that in. ahem.)

on to the reason i'm still alive during the holidays... the de silva familia! me and some of the third generation de silva kiddos: isabel ann and kayle elizabeth on my left and the wannabe kungfu kid, rio matthews and his hand-puppet cny lion. (why do they all smile without teeth?)

and in the pic on the right is "i am such a grown up that i only do grown up girly things and only talk grown up language to auntie angel because she's a grown up" natalie jane. yes, lovely name. :) (see, no teeth again!)
sigh. i don't know what i'd do without them.