people are very easily swayed by what someone else says.
the whole company (yeah, all 10 of us) are currently at war with each other. its times like these that i realise that no matter how many strands of white hair you have, no matter how you can afford nice, working-people clothes, and drive nice, grown up cars, people are still childish and immature, and will do childish and immature things to get their way.
oh my word.
because this war is basically between everyone besides the editorial team (thank God), i have thankfully been spared the nasty words and ridiculous accusations, but that doesn't mean that the rest of my colleagues don't tell me and the editor what's going on, much to the consternation of my GM.
people are really, really swayed by what someone else tells them. faction #1, after talking with the GM, comes and repeats the same story the GM has told to her (the walls are thin and i can hear everything, its not that i'm eavesdropping) to me, exaggerating some points, and diminishing others, as well as adding some of her own. shortly after, the opposing faction, faction #2, will come up to me with her version of the tale (because she too, can hear everything that's going on), told with even more vigour and spite. person #3, who has been listening in to person from faction #2, and didn't hear what faction #1 and GM had to say, immediately sides her.
ok children, auntie angeline here has work to do, and will you all just play nice.
maybe its because i'm not in this whole war (and refuse to take sides), but the entire thing seems incredibly childish. i'm just tickled by the way everyone comes and tells me the minute something happens, opening with the words "pretend you don't know this, but...".
so naturally, i've perfected my incredulous, "really? i didn't know that" look. except it backfires sometimes. like during lunch today, when i was hearing the same story for the 245th time and had my "really? i didn't know that" look on, another colleague strolls in and agrees with currently-gossiping colleague, saying "ya la! like i told you already just now, right angeline?"