Friday, June 23, 2006

happy birthday vivv

its amazing. was having a one of those terrible days yesterday but instantly brightened when i met the rest of the girls.

birthday dinner at waraku (stupid woman kept changing venues so i had to keep the surprise crew informed nearly every hour) and then martinis at rouge (where i finally got to touch a pool table) and then (a few more than) a couple of mandatory birthday shots for the birthday girl.

(i do love these bracket-y things. must have caught it from the bestfriend)

hope you aren't having a hangover :P

i wish so many good things for you dear. so so many. hope your germs don't die on you... or were they cells?? i can't remember which. the stuff for your honours project. the malaria thing? or was it aids?

okay, i sound like a lousy friend. i DO pay attention when you talk! but sometimes this bio-stuff just goes over my head. heh, sorry dear, not my fault. but you do explain it well most of the time. like vick. she's like Ms. super-explainer of computer things. makes the geek-speak suddenly sound like chickenfeed*.

i'm having a rambly day. obviously. its friday, i'm sleepy. i had a bad dream where i was a teacher and then all my students turned into bugs and i accidentaly squished one underfoot and was unable to get the crushed insect off my shoe. very traumatic.

the happy birthday post has somehow turned into random-things-that-pop-in-my-head-post. but i should get back to the point. so... happy birthday! to you.


*edit: have changed chickenfeeT to chickenfeeD after the Bestfriend pointed it out to me. see, that's how tired i am. have become totally braindead and spelt it the way us singaporeans say it. kiewler lor!