Tuesday, June 27, 2006

the emails continue...

email from Beijing client, CC-ed to all the big bosses:

Writer (don't ask me why she doesn't use my name, I've met her before and she KNOWS its me, my name is on the bloody article) wrote "football to the mall". Correct is "footFALL to the mall". We should not need this kind stupid mistake. Writer should already know this. - Beijing Client
i panicked. i know i've been following the World Cup so there was a definite possibility that this duh-brain of mine actually wrote football. eep. CC-ed to bosses some more. so while waiting for the document to open up (it takes a long time), i wrote an apology email back to her, also CC-ed to the bosses.

Dear Beijing Client, I'm so sorry about the typo. It will be rectified as soon as possible, and a new copy will be sent to you. Sincere apologies, Angeline.

i was thinking to myself: jialat. they caught me with an error. stupid woman had to CC the big bosses some more. bloody hell.

the document was still opening when the little envelope appeared in my taskbar, indicating that a new email had come in.

email from Beijing client, to me only:

oh, sorry, Angeline. i read wrong. you wrote footfall. - Beijing Client.

her mistake she doesn't CC to the bosses! and she didn't send a curt, your-writer-is-an-idiot email for once! i inhale and exhale deeply, and replied her a simple "That's, okay, Beijing Client" since i decided i would be happy today. after i clicked send, i felt benign, generous almost. being the first to forgive wasn't such a bad feeling after all.


email from Beijing Client, CC-ed to Big Bosses:

We have received story from writer. Previous football mistake has been corrected. - Beijing Client
WHAT! LIAR! LIAAAARRRR!!!! LIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR. there is no other writer here but me, and i sure as hell didn't send her anything. oh, by the way, i SURE AS HELL didn't make any "previous football mistake" and she knows it!!

wow. i wanto flick her with my fingernail so bad. plus its too small a deal to kick up a big fuss with the big bosses just to clear my name. they'd only think i'm being small and immature.

i wanto flick her with my fingernail. until she falls off the earth.