Sunday, February 05, 2006

sucks being a girl

feels like i've had pms for about a million years.

1) done the moody thing
2) done the snappy thing
3) done the no-reason depressed thing
4) done the thinking about illogical things but can't help it thing
5) done the do illogical things but can't help it thing
6) done the going back to past hurt to relive it and make myself feel worse thing
7) done the laughing then reprimanding at myself for doing the above thing
8) done the excessive shopping thing
9) done the crazy fantasy where i shoot/slap/verbally abuse people (who deserve it) thing
10) done the stuff my face thing
11) done the feel as bloated as a whale thing
12) done the get weak and make stupid not-well-thought-though decisions thing
12) done the sing at the top of my voice out of tune thing.

u know what i forgot to do? EAT A WHOLE FRIGGIN CAN OF PINEAPPLES.