random candid pic of the dinner!

in the queue outside MOS after one lousy screwdriver. it was supposed to be a pic of jo and me, but.. the birthday girl wanted in. oops!

ahhh. finally :)

the birthday girl and Jo! i shall not say anything about the small eyes because i get that way too. *feels ur pain*

everyone's pouty cuz we've been in queues all nite! Jo looks so cute here, and jacq's got that angelina jolie thing goin' on. ;)

happiness inside the club!

*beautiful picture of grace looking geisha-like taken down by request!*

...and here's the full picture... another one with a small-eye problem when faced with alcohol.
okay enuff unflattering photos. here's a coupla nice ones from jacq's cam.

post-clubbing at the macs nearby.

lub u all :)