Wednesday, December 14, 2005

will she make it?

ran back to the office at 630pm after a bleeding 3 hr meeting, then rushed to production, took a good almost two hour break then ran back home to finish up the story.

i HAVE to get this done by tomorrow. the writing, the layout, the photos and captions and send it back to the client for a second read. the magazine was supposed to go to print... oh, a week and a half ago?

i HAVE to get this done by tomorrow.

blooming client was sitting on the article for so long, only to tell me i have to travel down to toa payoh to meet them and discuss the changes they needed to make to the story today. no, they can't fax the changes over, and no, they can't email it, either.

and of course, i had to get yelled at by the rainbow-flag-flaunting guy from the sodding ad agency, who blasted at me (me! the computer and photoshop idiot!) for editing the cover picture for the magazine. "you guys recklessly touched up the photo! you all completely MASSACRED her! whatever happened to the lovely bags and shoes?? how could you all just carelessly fling those out the window!"

can you imagine him saying this in a ribbed tank, leather pants that look like they've been sprayed on, and waving around a feather boa huffily? i can.

and then i realise that the stupid idiot had sent a cropped picture of the said model-we-massacred SANS bags and shoes.

i think if he were to suddenly die, the police would haul me and my designer off as prime suspects.

okayokay breathe, angeline, breathe. the writing is done (just), now to sort out the photos and captions and layout (which they changed, too! ACK) with production and then i'm done till the client comes back with comments from the second read.

did i mention print-date was a week and a half ago?


side note: was dead beat when i came home to redo the article, so i made myself a cup of coffee, and now i'm too awake to sleep. *whimpers*
