after a weekend of running errands in town, entertaining a 6year old for 5 hours straight, trying to pick up mahjong by just watching, running to church, rushing into driving class (theory) late, running to the doggie run, having a great thai dinner, watching a coupla not-so-scary scary shows and trying to engage someone else in what the priest said today, i conclude that:
everyone should stop hating, and start loving, because we all aren't perfect little people.
me included. and especially me included.
ANYHOO. who's super looking forward to next week?? *hears the hiphiphoorays of every single working person in singapore.*
where else can do you get a three-day week because of two racial (religious?) public holidays??
happy deepavali and happy hari raya to all celebrating, and happy the rest of us who are benefitting!
oh, and here's a note to anyone who dares to wish me happy deepavali/raya holiday: (as the chinese would say it)