Thursday, December 22, 2011

Getting old

Last Monday I had a company Christmas party during which I didn't drink that much (honest! Or at least I thought so at the time.). I woke up feeling fine, but was hit with a terrible hangover the second I walked into the office, which intensified the longer I sat there.

I felt awful. The screens were too bright (and there are bloody hell 8 of them), I had a pounding headache that made me unable to open my left eye, and there was a noise in my head that sounded like "eurghhhhhh" that may or may not have come out my mouth from time to time. I was tired and headachey and spacey all day.

And then I fell sick. And I don't usually fall sick. And even if I do, I'm all better within days. But it's been over a week now and I'm still emptying my nose into tissues and speaking as if behind a muzzle. Oh and the hacking. Great, heaving phlegmy coughs enough to turn off the most wanton ladydog in heat.

I'm getting old. I'm annoyed that I can't party all night and get to work the next day sans hangover anymore. I'm annoyed that a sneeze will likely turn into a full blown flu and stay for ages. But mostly, I'm annoyed I'm getting old. What is this? When did this happen! 28 is not old. 28 is young, okay!

Bloody hell. My hope to get better before the Christmas season is diminishing with every tissue wonton I make. This is greatly messing up my plan to eat my way through Christmas. This upsets me.


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