Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011: A joint MindyPanty roundup post

Stuff we noticed in 2011.

In no particular order:

Tiny tower
PP: Oh good God did we spend a heck of a long time on this. Quitting it was like quitting smoking. "I will stop at level 32." "Okay, I'll stop at 50." "Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I'll stop at 55." "Oh my God restocking 66 levels takes forever!"

Kate Spade
PP: Only because of...

PP: I may be a little embarrassed to say I knew her from school. I never spoke to her tho. She was really shy and quiet and we were in different classes.

M: Best blog post about TPL comes from Rockson: "Fucking chio man!  don't know why she holding this paper bag from a brand call Kate Spade. Maybe she like gardening! I want to show her my spade also! My spade is call Horse!!! Hahahahahahahaha!"

The hashtag: #firstworldproblems
PP: And the emergence of hashtags in every social media platform ever. #needstostop

The Occupy movement
PP: Which went everywhere and failed here.
M: And which, like the 'gate' suffix, spread to wildly unrelated things. Not happy with your sandwich? #OccupySubway

App Talk
M: Apps are everywhere and app "show & tells" became a bona fide topic of conversation, at bars (nothing like whipping out the iPad over beers) and at work (it gets slow, okay!). I swapped apps with my Mum. My MUM. Anyone know any good games involving trains? Ha, I kid, got them all already.

MRT breakdowns
PP: This one got the whole nation up in arms and got me back on Temple Run. What? I got a high score waiting for the MRT to get moving again.

Internet best:
PP: Nyan cat (earworm alert), OHMYGOD IT'S A DOUBLE RAINBOW, rigid sloth, flippity floppity giant fish across the neck gif, military woman singing Adele, stupid memes, rageface, watching Justin Bieber die on youtube... I clearly spend too much time on the Internet so I'm just going to stop here.

The word "epic"
PP: Everything is epic. Even if it really isn't. Did epic become a thing before this year? I'm not sure. But the word "epic" and how it's now used is pretty epic. The Internet FTW.

Fail & Win
M: Everything also suddenly became categorisable as a fail or a win. As if the rich, technicolour tapestry of life suddenly became a mono-chrome narrow plank, with instant social humiliation on one side and fist pumping mates buying you beers on the other. It is not, somethings are just...

M: Okay, i am only just starting to understand this word. It is the dividing line between Fail and Win. It is the plank.

Stripes, spikes and skulls
PP: On clothes, shoes and everything, respectively.

The end of Harry Potter
PP: I wish JK Rowling didn't avada kedava this project. Too lame? Fine.

The end of Google Reader
PP: ...sob. I can't even... this is... this was the end of my life on the Internet. Google Plus just isn't doing it. I'm now lonely on the Internet. How can that be? It's THE INTERNET! Sniff.

Awkward Facebook Friend Just Read 'Ten Tips For Longer Loving' In Cosmo Reader
M: The death of the beloved Google Reader also seems to have spawned a much more sinister trend. 'Readers' on Facebook. These things tell everyone what you have read, whether you choose to or not. I'm sure there is a way of 'hiding' it, but it's complex and annoying. So just stop it. If I decide to read a well-written and researched piece in The Guardian that happens to be about a Japanese midget porn actress, or whatever, I don't want it on my wall, or anyone else's. It's the Guardian, it's legit, but stop this creepy, involuntary sharing.

Borders closing down
PP: I'm on some sort of emo spiral now. Borders Wheelock Place was a place filled with memories. Many a night I spent on those gnarly, dirt-trapped carpet in the kids section just reading while waiting for friends to show up or waiting to go clubbing (the place closed at 11pm.)

Decorating with grey
PP: Relatively 2011 on the interior decorating scene, decorating with grey is just lovely. It's apparently also "associated with intelligence, discipline, stability, sophistication and quiet authority" and can "be the difference between either creating a brilliant decor color scheme or a dull, moody one." Like these here, just gorgeous.

The Green Corridor.
M: Singapore said goodbye to trains, lovely, lovely trains, and chose to severe itself from a railway line that could take you from Tanjong Pagar to Bangkok and beyond. What was left after the tracks were hauled back to Malaysia was a quiet oasis of largely untouched forest that travels the spine of the island. What Singapore decides to do with this is anyone's guess, and it could define the government's attitude to the quality of life of citizens in 2012.

Rebecca Black
PP: 'Nuff said. Random thought: So many people (real and fictional) with last name Black. Rebecca Black, Jack Black, Jacob Black, Sirius Black, Conrad Black, Cilla Black.

Death of many a dictator/evil villain:
PP: Gadhafi, Osama, Kim Jong Il.
M: Just waiting for Maggie now.

The Royal Wedding
PP: I know a lot of girls my age who had their eye on William forever, just so they can be princesses. No, "don't worry, there's still Harry" doesn't cut it, because as Mindy would say: Harry's ginger.

M: 2011 was the year they became mainstream. Well, I went mainstream, like, ages ago, probably before you'd heard of it. But yeah, the beautiful dichotomy of these guys is now an industry, where anything vintage and/or alternative  = 'authentic' and thus, good. In 2011 youth culture sat down with a vintage book in an 'arts space' and drank some fair trade coffee, or maybe a beer, as long as it was made in a shed in a Ukrainian's back garden.

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