Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Note to self:

Sometimes, the best thing to do when something happens, is to let time pass.

It may be the hardest thing to do when something happens.

I don't mean "do nothing" when something happens. By all means do everything. Go read something, watch something, go shopping, text somebody. Do anything and everything that is absolutely unrelated to the thing that has just happened.

But let time pass. Then the initial impulse to do something passive aggressive lessens, and the reasons you gave yourself about why said impulses weren't reeeeally passive aggressive sound like what they truly are: lame.

And for fuck's sake don't text or talk to the person with whom something just happened. Not just yet, anyway.

Then things become clear, you realise you've been a dickhead, you swallow your pride and make a sincere apology.

And then you hope to God the other person stops thinking you're the dickhead you are and agrees to sweep it all under the carpet.

Rinse, repeat.


wanxin said...

Agree. Another easy-to-say-hard-to-do thing. but a note is a good start. Can I re-note this to self?


angellll said...

Of course :)