Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Resolutions in next post (maybe. Still haven't kicked the procrastination habit)


Bangkok, fireworks, alcohol, babies, skarlett, toca, alcohol, deadlines, alcohol, training, joblessness (aka pantslessness), coffeehouses, prawning, heartbreak, anger, self-doubt, death, dow jones, meatlessness, play, play, play, alcohol, family, Holland Village, old monk, zoukout, waffles, banana, breathlessness, christmas, babies. 

I guess it wasn't all bad, especially with the scattered but numerous appearances of my good friend alcohol throughout, real good friends (here labelled "babies" but not real babies, don't worry) and also new-ish friends that have become fast, good friends like my fast-talking, ADD-suffering brother from another mother. 

At the risk of jinxing everything, I have a good feeling about 2011. And I think 2011 sorta likes me too. 

*Knocks on wood*

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