Tuesday, December 12, 2006

i'm now blogger beta-ing...

...altho' i have no idea what the hell it can do. i made the switch only because the team members on the other blog moved to blogger beta and i cannot post on that one unless i move over too.

(wonder if they were trying to tell me something...?)

anyhoo. i'm in a bit of a pickle. y'see, the Editor is away in Cambodia being the superwoman that i should be and has tasked me to close the magazine.

now usually this would be okay, because most of the pages would have been done and i would only have to oversee the few here and there before sending it off to the printers.

this time around, however, one of the few pages left outstanding is the opinion piece contributed monthly by my big boss. he's been away and is rushing to finish the story (i hope). that was what i heard last thursday.

still no word this morning.

now my question is: how do you chase your big boss to submit his work? i've already gone to his secretary and asked, in a joking manner of course, if he was busy with the article. to which i received a very curt (and very ambiguous) "yes he is VERY busy".

yes i know darhling, but he'd better be busy with my story because we are VERY late.

so since i've walked past colleagues' desks before and have spotted my blog on their screens (try pressing ALT+TAB, its a lot faster than trying to find the cursor and clicking on the "minimise" button), i suspect higher management may be reading this right now so here goes:

Dear Big Boss,

You know I have only the utmost respect for you. You really shouldn't joke about your lack of hair, because it makes you look distinguished and so very clever. Your shiny personality is very attractive. Trust me: Bald is the new black.

Now I wouldn't want to disturb you while you are in that nice big office with the beautiful antique furniture and TeeVee, but I was wondering if you could submit your opinion piece today as our lateness has given the rest of our lovely colleagues reason to light a fire under my ass.

Warmest regards,
Your extremely hardworking and grossly underpaid employee.

ps/ Don't pay any attention to the others. I think your bow ties are very becoming.

update: his story came in at 6.44pm on the same day this was posted. hooray!