Monday, September 04, 2006

random random

me (to fellow co-worker): hey! you know Steve Irwin? that Aussie crocodile hunter fella?
co-worker: the... short stocky guy ah?
me: ya. HE's DEAD!
co-worker: oh. *pause* did he get killed by a crocodile?

if i could make a giant -_- face on blogger, i would. but either i can't, or i just don't know how to. (probably the latter).

*GIANT -_- FACE* but oh well. i'm sure she won't be the first to say those words.

in other news, i have found that the combination of a large pile of work, a brazillion emails and an unwritten cover story makes a good remedy for insomnia.

one last random thing: is it bad that i have found co-worker's blog, and am reading it on my screen as she sits infront of me, telling me how she's engineered her blog so that its anonymous, and hopes to be one of those famed Singaporean bloggers who get eyeballs through good writing, their identities remaining a mystery? whoops.

PS/in case you were wondering (and haven't googled it by now), Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray.

oh! the BestFriend tagged me! how fun. next post, i promise.