Tuesday, July 25, 2006

a small but proud group

this happened quite some time back, before Gayle got the boot.

-Watching Singapore Idol-

me: i think i like this Gayle Nerva girl.
mum: not so good lah... but there are a lot of Eurasians in Singapore Idol this year huh? *rattles off Eurasian surnames*
me: yeah.
mum: *pause* .... girl, why don't you vote for them?
me: ALL of them?!
mum: yeah, you should support them! your mummy is Eurasian, you know!
me: i know, but mum, there are so. many.
mum: but you should support them! vote lah, you always sms-ing anyway.
me: fine. i'll vote for Gayle (i did. many times.)
mum: okay..... *loaded pause* what about that de Silva girl? (she doesn't know their first names, btw)
me: seriously?! its 60cents an sms, mum.
mum: but you should vote that de Silva girl! i'm de Silva, you know! your family all de Silva you know!
me: ...

i only voted for Gayle in the end. even tho' mum tried to make me vote for the rest ("but mum, you hate paul twohill's hair!" "nevermind just vote for him!").

then my uncle (mummy's brother) came to visit her.

uncle: eh, i heard got de Silva in the Singapore Idol this year is it.
me: yup.
uncle: EH VOTE FOR HIM LAH! ( i nearly fell off my chair because he said it so loud. and he's 68.)
me: ......its a "her", uncle.
uncle: oh, is it? EH VOTE FOR HER LAH!

i still love the Eurasian side of my family. even if they are a bit weird.