i forgot how long it takes to change a template.
the one i really wanted had too many harsh lines in it, and until i can figure out how to get rid of them, this will do. :)
thanks to all who've asked about my mother. she's healing really well, and is on another month-long MC (the lucky thing).
i'm always shocked at the number of friends she has. on friday, a group of 12 people from the office visited her during lunch, then in the evening, my relatives came over. today, three random ladies came up to me in church to ask how she was doing (i have no clue who they are), then i came home to find another group of 7 church ladies over for a visit. mum tells me two more groups of old friends from Holy Cross will be coming tomorrow evening, and then her 'clementi friends' the night after. her mobile is always ringing now, and the landline phone calls are always for her.
my mother: little miss popular.
but i'm not complaining. her friends make her really happy. they uh, make the rest of us really happy too, because now the house is stacked with milo (or mee-lo, as my dad calls it), brands essence of chicken, birds nest, biscuits and an assortment of cakes. the ladies today even brought apple strudel and goreng pisang.
more stuff for the brother and i to munch on during WC finals tonight!