Monday, May 08, 2006

another excuse to go shopping

as a birthday present, the Bestfriend bought me 5 introductory salsa classes. "i hope you like it - its quite an investment," she said before telling me what the present was. stupid girl made me worry it was a membership to a knitting class or something like that.

but really, i was quite surprised with the salsa classes... definitely wins the "best present" award for our 10 years of birthdays together.

the class was small, which was good. it also happened that only the girls attended the class, so the Bestfriend's cousin (my partner) and i took turns being the guy.

although for the first lesson we only learnt to walk (yes, don't laugh, it took the instructor "six months to perfect this walk"), the basic step and the simple turn, i must say, it looks like the next five fridays are gonnabe fun.

now to find a pair of killer strappy heels that won't completely destroy my feet or break my back. suggestions, anyone?