first of all, congrats to jo who's finished with the last ever exam in her life!! and congrats in advance to all the rest who are about to join her by early next month. :) (viv, hurry up and finish, will you?)
what a non-stop-all-stress-uber-crazy week. all to prepare for an even worse week to come. for those who haven't already heard, i've been stressing this coming week for ages. The entire company will be at the expo everyday covering this major food & hotel show, for which we'd be doing a show daily. that means 9am to near midnight everyday, if i'm lucky.
anyway, my birthday came early this year. just got back from a full body scrub and massage, a birthday gift from mummy. it is a totally relaxing experience, save for the too-tight shoulders and calf muscles that HURT LIKE CRAP when she tried to knead it out. "aiyah! why so young shoulders already so tight! cannot too stress, you know!" apparently, if my whole body hurts tomorrow, "its normal one". roight.
can't really write today, the mind's a little preoccupied. all i can say is mummy had a little accident the night before at my aunt's 70th... nothing major broken or long term, just a little trip to the doc. i know its just a small issue, but i don't know, maybe its cause i feel like my mum has been through too much, or that she's not as young as she used to be, or that i'm just too softhearted, but it really shook me up. all of us, in fact.
she was really upset. just hope she'll be okay.
*exhale* see you guys most probably next weekend.