Monday, April 10, 2006

i know you mean well, but...

this morning on the bus i was standing next to this girl, another 66 regular.

i see her almost every morning, she's probably 19 or 20 years old, very innocent looking and makeup-less, and pretty average weight, i think. not fat, but not exactly stick skinny.

anyway, today she decided to wear a white babydoll dress and some flat, sensible sandals. her dress had some pleats right under the bustline, which is a little weird, because unless you're a stick insect, it makes your tummy look a little poofy, no?

there's another 66 regular who gets on the bus before i do. he's quite a well dressed man (read: looks washed and in a buttoned shirt) who i call the Bibleman because he's always reading the Bible on the bus.

anyways, we were all minding our own business when Bibleman looked up and with a start slammed his Bible shut (its a rather large and heavy-looking Bible, so it shut with a loud thud) and quickly got up.

he offered her a seat.

he didn't offer the lady standing right infront of him a seat, but went over to babydolldress girl and insisted she sit down, gesturing to her (notpregnant) tummy.


everybody saw.

i hope she burns the dress.