Wednesday, March 29, 2006

don't you hate it when you're just about to leave and the phone rings/email comes in/someone pops in with something so urgent you just have to resolve it before going home?

ah. such is working life. i'm just about putting the last cover story to bed when the boss waltzed in this morning and told me i've been assigned to do the next one - with the first interview tomorrow. its another one of those rushrushcan'tstopnow jobs.

on the downside, i knew this was coming - last min big assignments that are almost lost causes being thrown to me.

on the upside, i guess the more covers i do, the better it is for me. *shrug*

these non-stop big assignments are kinda sucking the fun out of fashion week, tho. i have tickets to nearly every show, but haven't got the time to get to them at all. and i suppose... the initial excitement (felt in like, august last year) has kinda panned out already. maybe its cuz of the workload.

maybe its cuz i've been to so many of these things that i'm pretty sick of the snooty big-timers who are all trying to outsmart each other and impress you, and the PRs who seem to have about a million arms and a million people they want you to interview.

or maybe i just need some sleep. yeah, most likely.

anyways, sorry i was a little zonked when you called, grace!! obviously, i had a lot on my mind, heh... but thanks for offering to write for me. :) haha so sweet, she is! *big smile*

somehow, little things like these never fail to make everything seem a whole lot better. blessed, i am. :)