Wednesday, November 09, 2005

i'll take two packets of sleep, thank you.

tired. deadlines. deadlines pushed earlier because both the editor and myself won't be around one week after the other. which means... entire mag to be done in... 2.5 weeks. minus the week already gone by which makes it...


plus, the feeling of unsquish-able inadequacy isn't exactly helping. but s'okay. i stepped into this totally unprepared, with zilch knowledge of the business, writing, or the industry, but after 4 (!!) or so months i've learnt enough to at least make some (hated) small-talk with the experts.

yes of course.. the turnover rate is amazing! and DF's new expansion policy? man, that's going to stir a whole lot of commotion amongst all the retailers, i tell you... india, huh? gotta keep an eye on that one definitely... what with the explosion of malls coming up now... just that the hesitation over FDI will definitely stunt their growth...

and i've made mistakes. some negligible, some sizable... all embarrassing. but hey, we live and learn, don't we?

just need to keep head above water, i think.

anyway, went to one of those "media launches/parties" yesterday and today... which is... interesting, i must say. meeeengling with the hoity toity and tcs celebrities isn't really my thing. (adjective 'hated' used to describe small talk, remember) but fun, nonetheless. dick lee is uhm, "happy"-ier than i remembered! yikes. but wendy jacobs - so sweet.

what a major and very rambly sidetrack. i'm turning into Patke, minus the genius. the initial point of the blog was to say that i'm off to north-eastern thailand come 27th this month and will be back by the 30th. which means night-out with the girls is a no-go for me! sorry laine, another time, maybe. :(

anyway, everyone in the office is like, ohdear! birdflu/erratic weather/possible rioting spreading from france/swine fever! gasp!!

hehe. what a cute, melodramatic bunch of aunties i work with. *touches wood anyway*