yesterday we had the annual blessing of animals in church.
there were SOMANY dogs and cats and little kids with fishbowls and hamsters in their pockets (pictures up soon)
so anyway, i got this idea to convince my mother that we should get a cat because
1) it would be good for the family to have a little kitten in the house to lift their spirits
2) it would be good for the family to love something small, cuddly and furry
3) it would give us something to take care of together
4) it might eat all my dad's fish (okay, thats only good for me)
last but most probably the closest to the truth:
5) because i want one.
so i sent my mother a long and persuasive sms about why we should adopt a cat, considering factors already stated above (besides #5) and adding in how they'd be easy to take care of, they're clean, they have kitty litters to pee and shit in blah blah blah.
and her reply was:
no fulstop, no why or wherefores. just a very anti-climatic NO.
stumped but not given up i called her back with the loudest and longest "whyyyy" ever, to which she answered:
"doh-wan lah."
so when i got home to her on the couch in front of the telly, i sat down beside her and told her again why we should get a cat, in my sweetest voice... only to receive a frown and a waving of the hand in a "shoo fly, go away" fashion.
just then a cat flashed on the tv:
me: eee! so cute!
mum: eee-YER! so gerly! (i really dont know how to explain gerly/gerli. something like gross and puke-inducing)
sigh. here's the situation as of this morning:
me: mum can you help me get an extra ez-link card?
mum: yeah, sure no problem
me: and while you're at it, could you also pick up a kitten?
mum: wha...? siao. *exits room*
sob. its okay. only a temporary setback. i shall not give up. maybe if i start putting up pictures of cats and kittens in my room and then all over the house she'll start to want one.
lets hope.