just what the priest said today that struck me as somewhat true (and explained why we/i've become so impatient and prone to despair)
today's sms world has taught us to be impatient. we send an sms, expect it to reach the other person instantly, and expect the other person to react, instantly.
so when we pray, its like we've sent God an sms - and wonder whether there's reception in heaven because He doesn't get back to us as quickly.
which makes us forget that everything that comes from Him comes in His time, when he feels is best for us.
he also said that in today's world, where pain has been reduced to painkillers, we've all forgotten how to accept suffering, to work through suffering, to find strength in suffering, and come out stronger people.
because we're so used to having easier, more painless alternatives that we forget how it is like to suffer, and we forget how much someone else loves us enough to already suffer for us.
not to say that we should all be masochistic and purposely go thru shit just for the heck of it. but i guess his point is that when we're faced with hardship, to not just let it go/reject it completely, despair, throw your hands open to the little singapore river ala chinese serials and yell "WEI SHEN ME??"
because everything happens for a reason, and sometimes, we just have to stick it out long enough to find out what that reason is.
so hang in there, you. good will come out of this, i'm sure of it.