Thursday, September 22, 2005


and the winner, of this year's most kiasu queue-jumper goes to... *dramatic pause*...

THIS i-have-a-mole-on-my-arm WOMAN.

ok, even though i kick up a stormcloud of fuss over how i work at little india (even though on my business card it says BUKIT TIMAH it really is little india), i am grateful for a few things: 1) that i have a straight bus to work 2) that i have a straight bus to holland village and last but most important, really, 3) that my office is situated RIGHT ACROSS from the eyebrow threading place i go to.

so since i had a long day at work, and was due to meet some of the girls after, i decided to quickly pop into the eyebrow threading shop for a quick fix-me-up and instant feel-good session before leaving the area.

this eyebrow place is wonderful, really, and as i'm walking down the row of shophouses i smile to myself as i notice nearly every woman i see has perfectly shaped eyebrows.

and as i approach the eyebrow place i spot this chinese woman, easy to spot in a place like this, coming from the other side. she looks at me, i look at her, we look at the eyebrow place.

we're both going to the same place, and will both be in the queue. i saw a look flash in her eyes that said:

the race is on.

i'm in the lead because well, i was nearer to the shop. so i enter the shopfront first, but its one of those shophouses where there are two storeys, and the one we're headed for is upstairs.

so i begin my ascent up the stairs that is just wide enough for one person, and i can hear her coming up behind me, pretty close, perhaps just 5 or 6 steps below me. i can hear her because this woman, is either in sucha rush to get into the queue ahead of me, or is just plain rude because she doesn't bother to tiptoe so her heels are CLONKING up the hollow wooden stairs behind me, making a racket and a half.

btw, this place has the words "sea of tranquility" printed over the storefront, and even have a sign saying "please lower ur volume, this is a place of relaxation" in the store.

so i get to the top of the stairs first, and from the corner of my eye can see her eyes widen in horror. but i keep my cool, and slip off my heels before going in. by this time, she's already by my side, not bothering to take of her own shoes.

the system is such that when you get there you write your name down on this queue paper attached to a clipboard. so technically, i was there first. but there were two other chinese women infront of me (where all these chinese people came from i have no idea). i thought they were queueing to write their names, or asking the girl at the counter a question (in hushed tones), so i politely stand behind them, purposely and very obviously creating a 3 person LINE.

and what does this woman do? goes around the queue, reaches UNDER the arm of the girl right in the front, says a very loud "'SCUSE", grabs the clipboard and writes her name down.

and then she looks up at me with such a triumphant smile that i want to slap her.

bledy hell.

and so we both sat there on the bench, where i took her photo, waiting for our turn.

i guess someone up there was really looking out for me cuz when her name was called to go, mine was called just a few seconds after. and guess what? i got served by the owner of the place, this really experienced woman, while she got the newbie.


to top it off, since i got the experienced woman, i got my eyebrows done perfectly in like a grand total of 3 mins, and with absolutely no pain at all.

i got off my chair, and looked to where she was: still in the chair, with the newbie very slowly and cautiously (or rather, with much uncertainty) threading only the first eyebrow.

smiling inwardly i stood up, made a show of leaning into the mirror to inspect my brows, nod in approval and say a loud-ish thank you for a job well done then spun on my heel to face her.

and as i walked past her, i raised one perfectly shaped eyebrow, and flashed her such a triumphant smile that i'm sure she wants to slap me.

NEH NEH NEH! hahaaha.